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刘春江,生态学博士(德国基尔大学),上海交通大学农业与生物学院教授,博士生导师。其他社会兼职包括上海交通大学生态农业研究中心副主任,全国风景园林硕士专业学位教育指导委员会委员,上海市政府“崇明岛生态建设”科技咨询专家委员会专家,全国水土保持学会绿化工程专业委员会常务理事,Global Ecology and Biogeography和Plant Ecology审稿人。
刘春江于1982年毕业于东北林业大学,获学士学位;1985年毕业于北京林业大学,获硕士学位;2003年毕业于德国基尔大学,获理学博士学位。刘春江分别于1985-1987年1988-1994年在北京林业大学林学系任助教和讲师,在此期间,曾任国家重点学科北京林业大学森林培育学教研室副主任和实验室主任。于1994-2001年在芬兰赫尔辛基大学森林生态学系任研究科学家。 2001-2003年在德国基尔大学生态学研究中心工作,任项目研究员。2004年起任上海交通大学农业与生物学院教授。现在,为本科生和研究生开设的主要课程为普通生态学、植物生态学、城市园林生态学等,并主持风景园林专业硕士学位的风景园林前沿讲座。
(1) 城市生态学和城市林业
Liu C., Berg B., Kutsch K., Westman C, Ilvesniemi H., Shen X., Shen S. & Chen X. 2006. Leaf litter nitrogen concentration as related to climate factors in Eurasian forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 438-444.
Kutsch W., Liu C. J., Hoermann G. & Herbst M. 2005. Spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem carbon fluxes in a broadleaved Forest in Northern Germany. Global Change Biology. 11:70—88。
Liu C., Shen X., Zhou P., Che S., Zhang Y. & Shen G. 2004. Urban Forestry in China: Status and Prospects. Urban Agriculture Magzine (13): 15-17.
Liu C. J., Ilvesniemi H., Westman C. J., Kutsch W., Ma X. & Kauppi P. 2004. An estimate on the rainout of atmospheric CO2. Journal of Environment Sciences 16 (1): 86-89.
Liu C. J., Westman C. W., Berg B., Kutsch W., Wang G. Z., Man Z. and Ilvesniemi H. 2004. Litterfall-climate pattern of coniferous and broadleaved forests in Eurasia. Global Ecology and Biogeography 13(2): 95-104.
Liu C. J., Ilvesniemi H ., Berg. B, Kutsch W., Yang Y., Ma X. & Westman C. J. 2003. Litterfall in Eurasian Forests. Journal of Forestry Research 14(1): 27-34.
Liu C. J., Westman C. J. & Ilvesniemi H. 2001. Matter and Nutrient Dynamics of Litter in Pine and Oak Plantations in the Mountainous Areas of North China. Silva Fennica 35(1): 3-13.
Ilvesniemi H. & Liu C. J. 2001. Biomass distribution in a young Scots pine stand. Boreal Environment Research 6(1): 3-8.
Liu C. J., Ilvesniemi H. & Westman C. J. 2000. Biomass of arboreal lichens and its distribution in the boreal coniferous forests in central Finland. The Lichenologists 32: 495-504.
Curriculum Vitae Chunjiang Liu, Ph.D. Professor in EcologySchool of Agriculture and Biology Shanghai Jiao Tong University 800 Dongchuan Rd., Shanghai 200240, P. R. China Tel: 86-21-34206603, Fax: 86-21-34206603 Email: chjliu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research Interests
1. Ecosystem ecology & climate change
2. Ecological stoichiometry
3. Urban forestry & environment
2003: Ph.D. (Science), Ecology Centre, University of Kiel, Germany
1985: M.S., College of Forest Resources and Environment, Beijing Forestry University, China
1982: B.S., Forestry Department, Northeast Forestry University, China
2010-present: Deputy Director, SJTU Research Centre for Eco-Agriculture
2008-present: Member of Academic Committee, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2004 -present: Professor in Ecology, School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2005-2011: Member of Steering Committee for Landscape Architecture Master, Ministry of Education, P. R. China
2001-2003: Research Scientist, Ecological Center, University of Kiel, Germany
1994-2001: Research Scientist, Dept. of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki, Finland
1987-1994: Assistant professor, Beijing Forestry University, China 1985-1986: Assistant, Beijing Forestry University, China
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